How to keep your Informations Safe on Windows
If ther's an other one who use the same computer that you use . You will face a big problem it's saving your personal informations safe .
Toolwiz Bsafe it's a program which give you the solution of your problem your informations will be safe , No more Fear .
How to download Toolwiz Bsafe ?
A simple way , go here and scroll down and click on Download .
How to use Toolwiz Bsafe ?
After downloading by following the steps above install it and click on Creat New Safe , choose a place for it and give it a name then choose the size and the password you want .
After doing that click on Create Now .
And wait a moment till a window apear ( Create new safe succesfully! )
Now you create the safe , so you need to put your files on it , to do that go to the place you choose in the first and past what you want there . When you finish click on close selected safe .
Now no body can see it .
When you want to open your safe go to Toolwiz Bsafe and click on open safe then select file , then write your password and open now .

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