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How to konw if you use a hacked computer with Bitdefender

   Maybe you suppose that you use a hacked computer but you don't know how to be sure about it .

 Bitdefender 60-second virus scanner :
Its really good for you bitdefender 60-second scanner will scan your computer only in 6 second
like you are using an intivirus . And it don't take a space higher then 10 MB .

How bitdefender Work : 

bitedefender work on 3 steps
 1 : scan the windows processor and that can detect the bad programs and hacking too ..
2 : Examine the sensitive areas .
3 : detect the hack bit it will not delete it
You need to download the complete program to delete the hacks .

So if you want to use the program and check if you are in safety download it : Bitdefender 60-second virus scanner  
That's all so enjoy it .

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