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Open all the External Links in a New Window Automatically in Blogger

Why I'm writing that  :

Many blogger users have a problem , and its that the external link open in the same tab and that give a high Bounce Rate cause it get the visitors out .

So to solve this problem we need to add a code on our template HTML , that code will open all the external links in a new tab . It's an important code !

Learn how to add it :

In your blogger dashboard go to Template then Edit HTML after that hit CTRL+F and search for <head> ,
you can found it without using those buttons cause it will appear on the top of HTML , anyway add the code below under <head>
<!-- start of external links new window -->
<script src='http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js' type='text/javascript'/>
 <script type='text/javascript'>
$(document).ready(function () {         

                $(&quot;a[href*=&#39;http://&#39;]:not([href*=&#39;&quot;+location.hostname+&quot;&#39;]),[href*=&#39;https://&#39;]:not([href*=&#39;&quot;+location.hostname+&quot;&#39;])&quot;).attr(&quot;target&quot;,&quot;_blank&quot;).attr(&quot;title&quot;,&quot;Opens new window&quot;).addClass(&quot;external&quot;);



<!-- end of external links new window -->

Then Save the template , now all is OK .

Thanks for reading that , i think that will help you , so share with the others and comment if you like or if you had a difficulty , i am here to help you .

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