Free VPN services on google chrome
From the best ways to save yourself while connecting to internet from differents "risks" around you is using a VPN ( Virtual Private Network )
Vpn gives you alot of options to save you while using the Net
Ex : saving you from network traffic dumping attack and from spy too if you use a WI-FI network
and you can enter to websites that you can acces without using vpn cause you will surf on the net using a american ip adress or another ip adress
Now lets see the free services for google chrome
1 - ZenMate
This application have a wonderful look and simple , after adding it on chrome you must type you're email adress .
At the moment this app support different places ip : America,UK,Germany......
2 - Spotflux
A good app too gives you a secure and unlimited connection to save you're personall informations .
-Hope you like this info

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