Set up Feedburner RSS and Email subscription to your blog
What is RSS ?
Using RSS is the best way to receive latest posts from your favorite blog .
What is FeedBurner ?
Feedburner is a free service which give bloggers the ability to manage the RSS and track the news activities...
How to set Feedburner Feed
1. Go to Feedburner and use your google account to acces FeedBurner .
2. Add your blog URL under " Burn a feed right this instant " .
3. Select RSS .
4. Write a title and a FeedBurner adress you want .
5. Select Clickthroughs and I want more .
Now you got a FeedBurner account
How to do that ?
Easy steps :
Go to PublicizeTab>Chicklet Chooser in your FeedBurner account then copy the HTML code .
How to set up ?
For Blogger users you need to go to blogger account > click on the name of your blog > Layout > Add a Gadget and choose HTML/JavaScript and pas the code .
How to set FeedBurner Email subscription ?
Go to Publicize > Email subscription > Activate . Then Copy the HTML code
How to set up ?
Do the same steps of adding Feedburner Feed .
How to redirect all your blogger feeds to Feedburner ?
Go to dashboard and click on Settings > Other And write your Feed Adress on Post Feed Redirect URL after doing that click on Save settings .
That's all hope you enjoy it and i hope that you understand all . Don't forget to share with your friends .

What is FeedBurner ?
Feedburner is a free service which give bloggers the ability to manage the RSS and track the news activities...
How to set Feedburner Feed
1. Go to Feedburner and use your google account to acces FeedBurner .
2. Add your blog URL under " Burn a feed right this instant " .
3. Select RSS .
4. Write a title and a FeedBurner adress you want .
5. Select Clickthroughs and I want more .
Now you got a FeedBurner account
Now you need to add FeedBurner Feed like the one you see on the top of my blog .
How to do that ?
Easy steps :
Go to PublicizeTab>Chicklet Chooser in your FeedBurner account then copy the HTML code .
How to set up ?
For Blogger users you need to go to blogger account > click on the name of your blog > Layout > Add a Gadget and choose HTML/JavaScript and pas the code .
How to set FeedBurner Email subscription ?
Go to Publicize > Email subscription > Activate . Then Copy the HTML code
How to set up ?
Do the same steps of adding Feedburner Feed .
How to redirect all your blogger feeds to Feedburner ?
Go to dashboard and click on Settings > Other And write your Feed Adress on Post Feed Redirect URL after doing that click on Save settings .
That's all hope you enjoy it and i hope that you understand all . Don't forget to share with your friends .