How To Add Google Custom Search Engine in Blogger
What's Google Custom Search ?
Google Custom Search enables you to create a search engine for your website or blog.
-You can configure your engine to search both web pages and images.
-You can fine-tune the ranking, add your own promotions and customize the look and feel of the search results.
-You can monetize the search by connecting your engine to your Google AdSense account.
-Search multiple websites relevant to your topic at once.
How To Add Google Custom Search Engine in Blogger?
>> Go to Custom Search Engine
>> Click on " Create a search engine "
>> Insert your website URL in "Sites to search" box
>> Choose a language
>> Give a name
After that you'll get that message
>> Click on Get code
>> Copy the code
>> Go to blogger >> Layout >> New gadget >> HTML/java-script >> Past the code and Save .
Congratulations you've added CSE
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