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Add your blog Sitemap to Bing

Every blog owner want to submit a blog sitemap on Bing to have more traffic . That’s why i’m going to share with you a tutorial about submitting blog sitemap to Bing .

Tutorial :

1. Go to Bing Webmasters Tool and log in with your Hotmail account .

2. Add the URL of your Blog and Click on Add Button.

3. Copy the code Below and Paste it in Add a Sitemap Box.


4. Click on Add Button .

Add blog sitemap to bing
Add blog URL and sitemap to bing

5. Now You Need to Verify the ownership using a meta tag “ < meta name=...... “ Copy it and go to your blog HTML and search for <head> and paste the meta tag Below .

6. Click On Verify Button.

Final Words :

This was the complete tutorial on how to submit blogger sitemap to Bing . I do a hard work to explain this tutorial .Please Share this tutorial with others to help them too and don't forget to comment cause your comments help me to keep going .

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